SABA Bowhunter Proficiency Certificate (BProC)

Theoretical test

This is an "open book" test. Discussions of the answers during the test is not prohibited, but each hunter is encouraged to make their own decisions. ID number: Name and surname: SABA Number: Your email: Cell phone: (to inform you when it's marked) Are you doing test as a traditional hunter? : yes no Are you doing test as an instructor? : yes no Part A: This part of the questionaire assesses your species knowledge, theoretical shotplacemant, and ethical concerns. Assessing Species Knowledge Q1 Please indicate shot placement on targeted animal, even if you elect not to shoot, by clicking with the mouse at the desired point of impact: a) Species b) Sighting distance (angle=0o) c) Alertness: -pick-calmcautiousnervous d) Gender: -pick-malefemaleCan't say e) Ethical concerns: